INmusic campIN’

  • Hot water
  • Charging for laptops and mobile phones
  • Shop, storage of personal items
  • Music programme
  • Swimming, roller skating, skate park, windsurfing, rowing...

Campers will have access to hot running water, a convenience store and various options such as storing their personal items, recharging their mobile phones and laptops. Along with basic facilities, campers will be able to enjoy swimming, sports, music, visits to the city and other interesting locations around Croatia.

Swimming, workshops, recreation...

During their stay in the camp, festival visitors can enjoy a music program, take part in free yoga sessions, didgeridoo, djembe and juggling workshops and enjoy sports activities such as beach volleyball and handball, soccer, skate park, rollerblading, cycling, surfing, rowing, horseback ridding, table tennis, hanging bowling hall, mini golf, badminton, and much more.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please use public transportation to arrive to RSC Jarun gates. As of April 2022, 2024 by city order RSC Jarun is a pedestrian zone only! No motor vehicles are allowed to enter the Jarun lake complex, and the closest public parking lot is located on the right from the entrance to RSC Jarun via Hrvatskog sokola street. Parking spots cannot be reserved in advance and parking is charged in accordance to the local public parking authority price lists.

Working hours

INmusic #17 CampIN' site opens on June 20th 2025 (Friday) at 12:00 (noon), and closes June 27th 2025 (Friday) at 12:00 (noon).

The camspite reception desk is open 0-24 hours for the duration of the INmusic #17 CampIN' work days.

To enter the festival campsite one must have a valid three day festival ticket and a valid camping ticket which will both be exchanged for the appropriate festival wristband at the festival campsite reception desk.

Camping tickets are only valid with a three day festival ticket and per person. Buy them at the INmusic WEBSHOP

Please note, camper vans, RV's or other motor vehicles are not allowed at the festival campsite due to venue restrictions.

Tents, sleeping bags and mats

We do not rent equipment but you can buy it at our camp store. Prices, amended to the current supplier prices and available supply, and if you need more info please contact To reserve the equipment to buy, please fill out this form. We will contact you closer to festival to double check if reservation is still valid.

  • Tent for 2 people - TBA
  • Tent for 3 people - TBA
  • Sleeping bag - TBA
  • Sleeping pad - TBA

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Residence tax of 1,06 EUR per person per night is mandatory for all campers and must be paid at the camp reception upon check-in!



  • Camping will be made possible only to Visitors with a valid Festival ticket (three day Festival tickets or daily tickets for all three festival days) and a valid Festival Camping ticket.
  • Tickets purchased for the Festival Camp will be replaced at the camp entrance with a wristband. Only a valid camp wristband allows entry and movement in the festival camping area. Camp wristbands should not be removed, cut, torn or damaged in any way or they cease to be valid.
  • Upon arrival at the Festival Camp, campers are required to check-in at the reception desk and sign a contract in acceptance of public order and safety rules of the Festival Camp.


  • Camping is allowed only on the designated camping areas. It is forbidden to set up tents outside of the fenced areas of the campsite or the restricted areas of the Festival Camp.
  • Unregistered people and anyone without a valid Festival Camping wristband cannot enter the Festival campsite and campers are not allowed to escort such individuals onto the Festival campsite.
  • Pets at the Festival campsite are strictly forbidden.
  • It is allowed to bring food and non-alcoholic beverages in plastic containers only to the Festival Camp site (it is not allowed to bring food or bevarages to the Festival venue).

Motor homes, campers, RV's and other motor vehicles are not allowed in the Festival camp due to RSC Jarun venue restrictions. Camping in the Festival campsite is only possible with tents.


  • Campers can use communal facilities on site (showers, sinks and toilets) and camping equipment. Campers are required to use devices and equipment properly and for no other purpose but those intended - camping.
  • Electrical appliances (stove, fridge) or any kind of cooking devices are prohibited.
  • Sinks, showers, and restrooms must be used properly and in compliance with their purpose, taking into account that sanitary facilities are intended for shared use of all campers.


  • People suffering from chronic illnesses and allergies must make special notification of their condition at the camp reception and to the authorized staff.
  • Organiser and festival management is not responsible for any lost or stolen items, except for items stored in special compartments intended for storage.
  • Campers must take care of his/her belongings in the camping area.
  • Organiser and festival management is not responsible for accidents or injuries arising from campers' personal negligence.
  • Visitors use all camp facilities at their own risk.


  • Campers are required to maintain order and cleanliness of the camping area.
  • Campers are required to conserve the green areas in the camp and are forbidden to tear down or climb branches or trees, destroy green surfaces or lake shores or throw waste into the lake waters.
  • Campers are required to use appropriate containers and PVC bags.
  • Campers are required to leave the camp site in the same condition as found before their arrival.


  • Campers are required to respect public order and peace in the camp.
  • Respect other people's leisure and free time.
  • The Organiser reserves the right to ban entry to any visitor that could potentially endanger the safety of other visitors or cause problems.


  • It is strictly forbidden to build fires or barbecue in the Festival campsite.
  • Campers cannot bring inflammable fuels, pyrotechnics and explosive devices, etc.

Any damages, equipment or installation malfunction or any evidence of non-compliance with these rules of order in the Festival Camp must be reported to the reception desk at the Festival Camp.
Complaints with regard to the operation of the camp can be submitted to the following mail address:

The camper is obliged to comply with all the provisions of the listed rules of order and conduct in the Festival Camp.
If there is evidence of non-compliance with these rules, the Organiser has the right to withdraw the right of camping accommodation to the campers in question without any sort of reimbursement or refund.
In case of accommodation withdrawal, in accordance with these Rules, the camper must pay compensation for the damage.



  • to bring luggage to the Festival Camp site and small backpacks to the Festival venue, both subject to security checks at the festival or campsite entrance
  • to bring sun glasses
  • to bring mobile phones
  • to bring cigarettes and lighters


  • to bring food, non-alcoholic or alcoholic beverages to the Festival venue in either glass, plastic or can containers
  • to bring professional recording equipment, either video or photo cameras, without the written permission of the Organiser
  • to bring weapons, large umbrellas and other sharp objects or potential projectile objects (including selfie-sticks) that may endanger other visitors safety
  • to smuggle drugs to the Festival venue
  • to bring inflammable liquids or solids such as fuels, pyrotechnics, explosive devices, etc. to the Festival venue
  • to bring pets to the Festival venue
  • to build fires or barbecues anywhere in and around the Festival venue
  • to use electrical appliances or any kind of cooking devices in the camping site or Festival venue
  • to put up tents outside of the fenced area of the Festival Camp site
  • to bring unregistered people to the Festival Camp site or Festival Venue, or anyone else without a valid festival and/or camp wristband
  • to damage the venue infrastructure or natural environment (tearing down or climbing branches or trees, destroying green surfaces or lake coasts is strictly forbidden)

CampIN' essentials for INmusic festival:
Here's the list of the most important things you might need while camping at INmusic. A good rule is to pack things that you won't mind getting dirty, or in the worst case scenario, losing. Don't bring anything you consider irreplacable or extremely valuable.

  • a reusable water bottle – because hydrating yourself at a festival is very important!
  • a tent – bring your own or buy one on site whan you arrive (
  • sleeping bag, pillow, mat or tarp, hammock – for your comfort
  • head lamp – always a good idea at the campIN' to navigate your way back home at night
  • beach/lawn chairs – make your own chill zone at the beach or in the camp
  • folding table
  • rope
  • dry food, snacks and energy bars - food that does not need refrigerating. A variety of hot, fresh cooked foods is on offer at the campsite for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and there's food vendors at the festival site
  • compact medical first aid kit – band aids, sunscreen, pain relievers, sunglasses, lip balm, insect repelent - if you are accident prone it's a good idea to bring a few of the thingies to help you heal faster
  • prescriptions medication – don’t forget them, you’re on an island and a long way from the nearest pharmacy

INmusic festival

Clothing and Footwear

  • Swimsuit – the camp islands are a great place to enjoy the sun, swim and play at the beach so don't forget to bring a suit (and a beach towel!). Nudity is not allowed ;)
  • Rain gear - yes, it has been known to rain at the festival but we are not affraid of the raINmusic experience. Temperatures are usually high so you won't be cold. However, bring a colorful raincoat (no umbrellas allowed!), and for the night time, a warm sweater, hoodie or jacket also comes in handy.
  • Comfortable footwear - you’ll be on your feet a lot so don't forget about their comfort. Bring comfortable, lightweight and waterproof shoes you can count on. Wellies will keep your feet dry if the festival grounds turn muddy and flip-flops are great for kicking back at the campsite and beach or for short walks around the festival.

This and that:

  • earplugs & eye mask – music and fun lasts until the morning hours so if you are a light sleeper – ear plugs are a must.
  • cell phone or Point-and-shoot camera orcompact video camera for all the magical moments you'll be experiencing at INmusic (no long lenses, extenders or professional equipment!) Hashtag your photos with #INmusicfestival so everybody can enjoy them :)

For fun:

  • playing cards, hula hoops, beach balls, skate boards (a big skate park is nearby, you will loooove it!)
  • as many of our regular guest already know, you will have hours of camp fun before and after the performances so bring fun ice-breaking games with you. These are always great conversation starters and a good way to meet new people.

And finally, to state the obvious... don't forget your money, camping and festival tickets, and passport!! ;)

CampIN beach

What NOT to bring and NOT to do:

  • bring only the essentials, pack light– you will need to carry your backpacks around town to the camp site and then back home. Go easy on yourself and take only what you really need.
  • NO animals (except registered guide dogs) – this is for your pet's safety as well as the safety of other visitors.
  • NO glass bottles – If found it will be confiscated immediately. Glass can shatter and is dangerous for visitors on site, as well as all the animals roaming around Jarun after the festival is over.
  • NO flying or filming with Unmanned Aerial Vehicels (AUV's or so-called drones) is allowed on site before, during or after the festival.
  • NO long lenses, extenders or professional photo equipment.
  • NO lasers – it can damage peoples vision and distract performers.
  • NO camp fire or bbqs - the campsite is in a woodland area - fire hazard!
  • leave no trace – whatever you bring, take it back home with you. We love the Jarun lake and islands - share the love and pick up after yourselves! Let's keep Jarun spotless!
  • Don’t bring anything irreplaceable that you couldn’t bear to lose. HTZ
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