

Faty Sy Savanet and Nicolas Dacunha crossed paths some years ago in the Paris suburbs and destiny lead them to form the core axis that makes up Tshegue. Although joined on stage by irreplaceable and extensive percussions and additional vocals, Faty and Nicolas, known also as Dakou, have brought to life a specific combination of tribal, African urban music and garage rock, all spiced up with Faty's fierce rhymes and lyrics and an attitude that cannot be beat. Tshegue truly is a force to be reckoned with, taking the new European scene by storm.

Faty was born and raised in Kinshasa, Congo's capital, but kept her nickname „Tshegue“, the name given to little boys in the streets of Kinshasa. Faty moved to the Parisian suburbs, where she kept both her nickname and attitude, and meet her musical soul mate Dakou, a Paris suburb native. Magic happened and a few years later Tshegue the band was born. Their first EP Survivor was released in June last year and revealed a musical expression deeply rooted in personal experience – „a story of an uprooted path, two feet stuck in the jungle asphalt with its head turned towards ancestral soil“. On Survivor Tshegue easily escape all genre categories revealing a riveting new sound that is an invitation to move that cannot be ignored.

Tshegue are performing as part of the long established projectMulticulturalism in Musicwhich proudly presents world music artists from various countries. Its aim is to point out the significance of the influence of "non-western" music on popular culture. The projectMulticulturalism in Musicseeks to reflect universality in diversity and to point out the significant role "non-Western" cultures play in the formation of modern society, precisely music. Tshegue is joining the INmusic festival line-up with support from the ETEP programme aimed at increasing mobility among up-and-coming European artists.

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