INmusic festival
"INmusic breakthrough 2025" application
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INmusic breakthrough 2025
Artist's name / Naziv izvođača
City and Country of residence / Grad i država
Contact information / Kontakt
Name and surname / Ime i prezime
E-mail address / E-mail adresa
Web page / streaming page / Bandcamp
Photo / Fotografija (link)
Short bio / Kratka biografija
Socials (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok)
Video (YouTube, Vimeo, ...)
INmusic Breakthrough for European bands 2025
Applications for “INmusic Breakthrough 2025” competition are open from March 13th
until midnight of April 1st, 2025. All interested performers can apply through the
application form available at INmusic festival’s official website.
Finalists will be chosen by the INmusic festival jury and the top ranked applicants by the
jury will be shortlisted within the official Facebook page poll for public voting. Audiences
will make the final decision on the competition winner by voting for their most liked
shortlisted applicant.
The 3 winner bands will be the bands with the majority of the popular vote / most
audience votes.
The 3 winner bands of the competition will get a chance to play at INmusic festival #17 in
accordance with INmusic festival programme guidelines.
To apply, it is necessary to send in the following via the official application form: Artist's
name, City and Country of residence, Contact person and email address, Artist’s
Webpage link OR Socials, Streaming link, Press materials download link and one video
link, ideally for a live performance by the Artist
Applicants must have a minimum of 30 minutes of own music material and to be able to
perform the said material live (record label releases are not a condition to apply). All
materials must be original and that no copyright laws have been infringed.
Applications are open for all interested performers older than 18 years.
By applying performers are agreeing to the competition terms.
The winners (3) of the competition hereby agree to have their concert performance
recorded on-site and consent to the unlimited reproduction of the recorded material for
the purpose of INmusic festival promotion or INmusic breakthrough contest promotion,
without time or space restrictions.
INmusic festival reserves the right, at the INmusic festival programming team’s full
discretion of choice, to request usage of a particular music material for promotional
purposes and use in the INmusic festival promo materials without time or space
restrictions or financial compensation.
The competition winners (3) will not seek any financial compensation for reproduction of
recorded audio and visual materials used for the purpose of INmusic festival promotion,
without time or space restrictions.
The winning bands (3) will perform at INmusic festival at the time and date determined
by the INmusic festival production.
The winning bands (3) will get accreditation passes which will enable them entrance to
the whole three days of INmusic festival.
The winning bands (3) will get accreditation passes for the INmusic festival campsite
should they request them for accommodation during their stay in Zagreb.
The winning bands (3) will be provided use of the stage equipment (PA, lights, basic
backline) as per the INmusic festival production standard, as well as festival backstage
hospitality on show day. The winning bands bring their own instruments at their own
The number of accreditation passes is limited to the number of performing band
members and it cannot be modified.
INmusic festival will cover the basic travel costs reimbursement for each of the 3
performing bands in the total amount of 500 EUR brutto, issued via invoice by each
individual band. Any additional costs related to the performance by the winning bands
beyond the 500 € brutto limit are not applicable for reimbursement as well as any extra
baggage/freight/customs or related costs.
I have read and understood the competition terms and conditions, and on behalf of the contest applicant, I hereby confirm our agreement with them.
I have read and understood the competition terms and conditions, and on behalf of the contest applicant, I hereby confirm our agreement with them.