

Šumski is a Croatian rock band founded in 1991 in Zagreb by Kornel Šeper and Marin Juraga, drawn together by the urge to create a different kind of rock music. They have undoubtedly accomplished this mission and deservingly carry the title of one of the best alternative bands in Croatia. Their sound is influenced by various musical genres: from afro, kraut, new wave, avant-pop, prog-rock to music from animated movies or series. They have held many concerts throughout Europe, performing in Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Hungary, the Netherlads, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany and the UK. Šumski released four studio albums - Lov na vile, Safari, Baba spava and Ronioci – and are currently finishing their fifth studio album titled Ostrvo ledenog kita, which, as the band says, should brighten up these sometimes depressing times. There is no doubt that their happy thoughts will get everyone dancing at INmusic’s Balkan stage.

zagreb.hr HTZ
europavox europaeu yourope etep